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SEM 20131st International Workshop on Software Evolution and Modernization
Chair(s): Ricardo Pérez-Castillo and Pedro Reales Mateo

1st International Workshop on
Software Evolution and Modernization
 - SEM 2013


Ricardo Pérez-Castillo
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Pedro Reales Mateo
Alarcos Group, Dept. of Information Systems and Technologies, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Legacy information systems can be a serious headache for companies because, on the one hand, these systems cannot be thrown away since they store a lot of valuable business knowledge over time, and on the other hand, they cannot be maintained easily at an acceptable cost. For many years, reengineering has been a solution to this problem because it facilitates the reuse of the software artifacts and knowledge embedded in the system. However, reengineering often fails due to the fact that it carries out non-standardized and ad hoc methods. This workshop attempts to explore and provides novel approaches in software modernization and evolution taking into account new trends in this field.
