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Event Chairs

Conference Chair

Leszek Maciaszek
Macquarie Univ., Australia and Wroclaw Univ. of Economics and Business

Brief Bio
Prof. Leszek A. Maciaszek is affiliated as Honorary Fellow at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia and as Emeritus Professor at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in Poland. Most recently he was Director of Institute of Business Informatics and Head of Department of Information Systems at the Wroclaw University. He holds Title of Professor awarded by the President of Poland. He worked as Visiting Professor/Scientist in more than 20 universities/research centers in countries on four continents; has authored about 200 publications (including Prentice-Hall and Pearson Addison-Wesley books, some translat ed from English to Chinese, Russian and Italian); was Editor or Co-Editor of about 50 volumes published by Springer and IEEE; served as expert, reviewer and advisor to international corporations, government bodies and ministries as well as reviewer and evaluator to European Commission projects. He is a Conference Chair in a number of renowned international conferences and leads or participates in EU funded projects. ... More >>


Program Co-Chairs

Hermann Kaindl
TU Wien, Univ. for Continuing Education Krems, Vienna Univ. of Economics and Business

Brief Bio
Hermann Kaindl joined the Institute of Computer Technology at TU Wien in early 2003 as a full professor, where he served in this position until September 2022, for several years as the department head and the head of the organizational unit entitled “Software-intensive Systems”. He served for several years as a member of the Senate at TU Wien, from October 2019 until September 2022 as a Vice Chairman. After his retirement, Hermann Kaindl is still working on (funded) research projects at three different universities. Prior to moving to academia, he was a senior consultant with the division of program and systems e ngineering at Siemens AG Austria. There he has gained more than 24 years of industrial experience in requirements and software engineering, human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Distinguished Scientist member of the ACM. ... More >>

Mike Mannion
Computing, Glasgow Caledonian University
United Kingdom

Brief Bio
Mike Mannion is Assistant Vice-Principal (Academic) and currently Vice-Principal Global Engagement at Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK & President of Glasgow Caledonian New York College. He has several years’ software engineering industry experience and his research interests include product-line engineering, software engineering and applications of artificial intelligence. He is a Chartered Engineer, a member of IEEE and ACM, and a Fellow of the British Computer Society. He has published more than 70 papers and delivered more than 30 tutorials.
