Previous Awards
The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers,
based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided
by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and
their oral presentation at the conference.
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
ENASE 2023
Best Paper Award
Best Position Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ENASE 2022
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Mining Developer Expertise from Bug Tracking Systems using the Author-topic Model
Daniel Atzberger, Jonathan Schneider, Willy Scheibel, Daniel Limberger, Matthias Trapp and Jürgen Döllner
ENASE 2021
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ENASE 2020
Best Paper Award
Visual Languages for Supporting Big Data Analytics Development
Hourieh Khalajzadeh, Andrew J. Simmons, Mohamed Abdelrazek, John Grundy, John Hosking and Qiang He
Best Student Paper Award
Framework of Software Design Patterns for Energy-Aware Embedded Systems
Marco Schaarschmidt, Michael Uelschen, Elke Pulvermüller and Clemens Westerkamp
ENASE 2019
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Best Poster Award
ENASE 2018
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Best PhD Project Award
Software Architectural Model Discovery from Execution Data
Cong Liu, Boudewijn van Dongen, Nour Assy and Wil M.P. van der Aalst
ENASE 2017
Best Paper Award
Feature Model Composition Assisted by Formal Concept Analysis
Jessie Carbonnel, Marianne Huchard, André Miralles and Clémentine Nebut
Best Student Paper Award
Best Poster Award
ENASE 2016
Best Paper Award
Best Position Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ENASE 2015
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ENASE 2014
Best Paper Award
Visualizing Traceability Information with iTrace
Iván Santiago, Juan M. Vara, Valeria de Castro and Esperanza Marcos
Best Student Paper Award
ENASE 2013
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ENASE 2012
Best Paper Award
Social Adaptation - When Software Gives Users a Voice
Raian Ali, Carlos Solis, Inah Omoronyia, Mazeiar Salehie and Bashar Nuseibeh
Best Student Paper Award
A Survey of Infeasible Path Detection
Sun Ding, Hee Beng Kuan Tan and Kai Ping Liu
ENASE 2011
Best Paper Award
Benjamin S. Blau, Tobias Hildenbrand, Matthias Armbruster, Martin G. Fassunge, Yongchun Xu and Rico Knapper
ENASE 2010
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ENASE 2009
ENASE 2008
ENASE 2007