Harold Krikke, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Title: Increasing Your Rate of Return with Closed Loop Supply Chains
Xuewei Li, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Title: Railway Logistics Value Extension Theory
Kecheng Liu, University of Reading, U.K.
Title: Information Makes Spaces for Working and Living Intelligent: A Semiotic Perspective
Leszek A. Maciaszek, Macquarie University, Australia / University of Economics, Poland
Title: On Complexity of Event-Driven Service Systems
Yannis A. Phillis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Title: A System-of-Systems Approach to the Analysis and Control of Sustainability
Shoubo Xu, Chinese Academy of Engineering / Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Title: Management: A Scientific Discipline for Humanity
Yulin Zheng, UFIDA, China
Title: Into the Cloud Enterprises
Lida Xu, Old Dominion University, U.S.A.
Title: Modeling and Analysis Techniques for Cross-Organizational Workflow Systems: State of the Art
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Harold Krikke Tilburg University The Netherlands |
Brief Bio
Harold Krikke is a member of the Department of Organization and Strategy at the Tilburg University since 2004. He first studied Industrial Engineering and Management at Twente University of Technology in Enschede. At the same university he completed his Ph.D. in 1998 in the field of reverse logistics. Since then, he works as an assistant professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam and also as a business consultant at Tebodin consultants. As of 2002 he is a senior researcher and project manager of CentER Applied Research and later became Associate Professor at the faculty Economics and B.A. of Tilburg University.He is the Chaired Professor of Closed loop supply chain at the Open University Netherlands as of 2008 and also an advisory professor of Beijing Jiaotong University as of 2009. His research interests include reverse logistics, the integration of return flows in supply chains, the relationship with product life cycle management and the possible gains in supply chains through corporate planning.
The field of closed-loop supply chains is is gaining momentum, but still mostly focuses on cost minimization of reverse logistics processes. That is remarkable as value creation is key in mainstream supply chain management.
Sustainability goals (reduction of resource consumption, pollution, greenhouse gasses etc.) are most effectively addressed when considered a business opportunity (Krikke & van der Laan, 2010). Justifiably, closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) management is defined by Guide and Van Wassenhove (2006), as "the design, control and operations (of a system) to maximize value creation over the entire life cycle of a product with dynamic recovery of value from different types of returns over time".
Customer value creation occurs through the offering of new and/or better services with improved proximity to the customer. Environmental value creation occurs through the reduction of environmental impact compliance. Sourcing value comes via cheaper sourcing through reuse and recycling.
This presentation explores how companies slowly change their approach from cost minimization to value creation. A number real life case examples are given. Finally some results from a global survey are presented, suggesting how third party service providers can add value to the closed loop supply chain by current and newly developed services.
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Xuewei Li Beijing Jiaotong University China |
Brief Bio
Dr. Li Xuewei, Vice President of Beijing Jiaotong University, is professor and Ph.D. advisor of the School of Economics and Management of BJTU.
Dr. Li graduated from Central South University, where he studied Probability Theory and Mathematics Process, receiving his Ph.D. in Science in 1990. He earned his master's degree in engineering, in 1987, from Southwest Jiaotong University.
Dr. Li also holds key positions in several scientific and academic societies, including: Specialist of Prominent Contribution of the Ministry of Railways; Standing member of China Society of Soft-Science Research; Standing member of China Society of Quantitative Economics (CSQE); senior member of China Society of Railways; commissioner of China Society of Information and Economics.
According to the data from the ministry of railway, operating mileage of China high speed railway has reached more than 7000 kilometers by 2011, and the rapid development of high-speed railway promotes railway network formation and improvement. How to play the role of railway network in the logistics value extension is the core of railway transportation development in this new period; how to combine rail transportation with original production and demand network, optimize railway resource allocation, and make the railway network resource be effective, are the key of railway transportation marketing strategy in this new period. Based on the theories of logistics, supply chain, transportation, logistics planning and related theoretical forefront, treating logistics value extension theory as the center, this speech focuses on the optimization of combining production, with demand and railway transportation network, and proposes the goal for the next stage.
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Kecheng Liu University of Reading U.K. |
Brief Bio
Dr. Kecheng Liu, Fellow of British Computer Society, is a full professor and holds a chair of Informatics and E-Business at University of Reading, UK. He is the Director of Informatics Research Centre, and Head of School of Business Informatics, Systems and Accounting, Henley Business School. He has published over 180 papers in conferences and journals. His research interests span from organisational semiotics, requirements studies, enterprise information systems management and engineering, business processing modelling, alignment of business and IT strategies, co-design of business and IT systems, pervasive informatics and intelligent spaces for working and living. He serves in several journal editorial boards, and guest edited special issues. His research monograph on Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering (2000 Cambridge University Press), is one of the first treating the topic in a systematic manner and has been widely cited.
He was visiting Professor at Southeast University, Fudan University, Beijing Jiaotong University, Dalian University of Technology, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science (all in China), Santiago University of Chile, and officially appointed PhD supervisor in Beijing Institute of Technology. He is member of Senior Board of IBG (British Intelligent Buildings Group) and senior advisor on digital hospitals in a governmental healthcare organisation in China.
We now live in the information era. Information is the key resource and information technology is the key enabler in such an era. The keynote examines the features and challenges in this era. The lecture presents an insight of the strategic function of information in relation to our working and living from a semiotic perspective. Examples of the impact of information in typical sectors have been used as evidence to demonstrate how information delivered through IT makes our society intelligent and improves the quality of life in all aspects. Finally it introduces a philosophic approach for understanding the emergent issues and dealing with the challenges in the information era.
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Leszek A. Maciaszek Macquarie University / University of Economics Australia / Poland |
Brief Bio
Leszek A. Maciaszek is an academic, researcher, industry consultant and author. He resides in Australia and in Poland. In Australia, he was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Wollongong (1985-1991), an Associate Professor of Computing at Macquarie University ~ Sydney (1991-2010), and the Managing Director of a software consultancy firm MACOMP Software (1994-2004). Since 2009, he is a Professor at Wroclaw University of Economics in Poland, where he holds the positions of Director of Institute of Business Informatics and Head of Department of MIS Engineering. He has initiated a number of international conferences, including ENASE (Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering). He has authored over 140 publications related to software engineering and architecture, systems analysis and design, databases, object technology, business modeling, and service-oriented computing. His more recent Addison-Wesley books "Requirements Analysis and System Design" and "Practical Software Engineering" were translated to Chinese, Russian and Italian.
Complexity is defined as the degree to which a software system is difficult to understand, maintain and evolve. The main difficulty stems from complex interaction patterns between system components/services. A growing importance of event-driven processing in service systems generates new research questions related to architectural styles that can best harness complexity when traditional service invocations/compositions are intermixed with event-driven publish-subscribe processing. This keynote addresses relevant complexity issues and offers a method to monitor and minimize software dependencies from architectural models.
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Yannis A. Phillis Technical University of Crete Greece |
Brief Bio
Yannis A. Phillis received his diploma in electrical and mechanical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1973 and the M.S., Engineer Degree, and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles, in control systems in 1978, 1979, and 1980, respectively.
From 1980 to 1986, he was with Boston University, Boston, MA. Since 1986, he has been with the Department of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece where he is professor and director of the CAM Laboratory. In 1992 and between 2005 and 2007 he was visiting professor at UCLA's Chemical Engineering Department. Between September and October 2008, as Onassis Foundation Senior Visiting Fellow in the US, he lectured on environmental issues in four American Universities. His research interests are in stochastic control, discrete-event systems, and applications in manufacturing networks and environmental systems.
Dr. Phillis is Book Editor of the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Advisory Board Member for the IEEE Systems Journal, Associate Editor for the International Journal of Engineering Management, Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, and was on the Editorial Board of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, and past Editor of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. He has also served as Trustee of the Venizelos Research Institute and the Center of Mediterranean Architecture in Greece between 1999 and 2005.
He is the recipient of numerous honors among which Professor of the Year Award at Boston University in 1986, an award by the Academy of Athens for his environmental activities in 2007, Fellow of the Venizelos Research Institute in Greece, recipient of awards by the Municipalities of Chania and Assini, Greece in 2005 and 2008 respectively for his service to society, and recipient of a "Lifetime Achievement Award", for his contributions to production and environmental systems and leadership in higher education at the World Automation Conference 2010, Kobe, Japan.
He was general chair of the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Communication and Control (1995) and the 3d and 5th International Conference on Management of Technological Change (2003, 2005).
Dr. Phillis was rector of the Technical University of Crete for 10 years until 2005. In 1994 founded and developed the 80-acre Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna in Crete. The Park has a laboratory for the study and preservation of endangered plant species, which is also actively involved in ethnobotanical issues. The Park is visited by thousands of people every year.
He has published over 100 scientific papers and four technical books. He is an award winning writer in Greece and the US, having published five poetry collections, three novels, and two environmental books. He is a Fellow of AAAS; a Senior Member of IEEE; and Member of Sigma Xi; Poets and Writers, USA; P.E.N. Club; and the European Art Center, Athens.
Many complex systems influence the well-being and sustainability of a country. These systems could be natural or environmental and man-made or social. The state of biodiversity, water, air or land are examples of the former, whereas health, education, economy, and policies are examples of the latter. All of the afore mentioned systems are extremely involved and hard to model.
To overcome some of the modeling difficulties the System-of-Systems (SoS) approach is adopted. This is a multilayered and hierarchical approach that exposes the various levels of the system as well as their state and control parameters. Two such systems are examined as SoS: biodiversity and health. The goal is to devise strategies that improve biodiversity and health and thus overall sustainability for a given region or country. These strategies should be developed within certain constraints such as limited budget. For example, the goal of biodiversity conservation is reduced to bringing extinctions due to human activities down to zero, given the budget allocated for this purpose. Such a problem could be formulated as an optimal control problem whenever possible, or as an adaptive SoS control problem, where strategies span all possible uncertainties to bring biodiversity within the target region.
Each system is modeled as a SoS at various levels and each level is in turn modeled according to existing knowledge. Various adaptive policies are then designed that take into account missing intermediate targets. A host of strategies are finally developed so that environmental and societal systems contribute to the sustainability of a country.
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Shoubo Xu Chinese Academy of Engineering / Beijing Jiaotong University China |
Brief Bio
Professor Shoubo Xu was born in Shaoxing (a city which located at Zhengjiang province of China). He obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Power Engineering from Nanjing Institute of Technology in 1955 .Then he graduated from the Energy Institute of the Academy of Science of USSR in 1960, with an Associate Doctorate Degree of Technological Science. Now he is honored as a professor, consultant and PHD supervisor of Economics and Management school at Beijing Jiao Tong University. And he also works as the Director of China Center of Technological Economics Research, the President of Comprehensive Energy Institute, Honorary Dean of the Material Flow School at Beijing Jiaotong University, and named as Chinese Director of the Sino-Austria Innovation Research Center. At the same time, Dr Xu is also regarded as the Chairman of Professors Association in the Economics and Management department. Besides that, he was the core initiator and co-founder of the Chinese Technological Economics and Comprehensive Energy Engineering, the pioneer of our nation's Comprehensive Material Flow Engineering and the science of Managing According to Reason MR.
For more than 50 years, academician Xu has made 422 achievements in theoretical and application aspects in the three new scientific fields of TE, ETE/CEE and MFTE/CMFE. More than 50 of his achievements have received awards, including the National Science Congress Award, the National Science & Technology Progress Award and various awards from the Chinese Academy of Science, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, National Development and Reform Commission and City of Beijing, etc, he has received National Science & Technology Progress Award nine times(the first prize provincial, one time National Science & Technology Progress first prize and one time third prize , four times provincial second prize and three times third prize).
This paper proposed a new concept of management: Managing According to Reason (MR). Since "manage" means to lead, plan, organize and control, and "reason" means to understand the law of the development of objects being managed, this new concept is an integration of the two elements of "managing" and "reason". MR studies the contradictory relationship between "managing" and "reason", and considers how such a relationship changes and develops. MR is an integration of the disciplines of management, philosophy, natural science, engineering technology, and social science. We believe the MR is a comprehensive scientific discipline that will greatly benefit humanity. Since "management" cannot work without power, while "reason" relies on science, MR is an integration of power and science. Power is MR's assurance, and science is MR's basis. We believe that MR will play a major role in twenty-first century.
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Yulin Zheng UFIDA China |
Brief Bio
Mr. Zheng Yulin graduated from the Shanghai East China Normal University, Master of Computer Application Engineering; visiting professor at Renmin University of China, Member of Academic Committee of China Computer Federation, Deputy Director of China Electronics Standardization Association of Enterprise Information Standards Committee, former General Manager of applications Software department of ChinaSoft International, CTO of CCID. He has been leader and organizer of large-scale corporate enterprise applications software development in PANSKY and Yu Bo, has a profound understanding of architecture and R&D system of management software.
Cloud Computing have gained popularity over the past few years. As a state-of-the-art IT technology, it has been changing the business model in the whole world. This speech presents the ongoing work from UFIDA Software Co., Ltd., which is a leading supplier of proprietary enterprise management/ERP software, service and solutions.
(1) Interpretation of the "management software + clouding computing" model from UFIDA;
(2) Upgrading its business model, to be the core strength of the development of Chinese clouding computing industry;
(3) Rooting in the technology, clouding computing will promote the comprehensive e informatization of Chinese enterprises;
(4) Leading continuously in the industry, cloud strategy will guide Chinese enterprises into the world.
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Lida Xu Old Dominion University U.S.A. |
Brief Bio
Professor Lida Xu is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of an engineering journal entitled Enterprise Information Systems with 2009 Impact Factor of 2.809. He also served as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions SMC, IEEE Systems Journal, and many other journals. He serves as the Founding Chair of IFIP TC8 WG8.9 and IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Enterprise Systems. He is a Changjiang Chair Professor designated by the Chinese Ministry of Education and an Eminent Professor at Old Dominion University, USA.
Emerging e-business, e-commerce, and virtual enterprises are leading to the trend of managing workflows across organizational boundaries. A cross-organizational workflow is generally comprised of intra-organizational workflows and inter-organization workflows. The modeling techniques for the intra-organizational workflows are relatively matured, they are briefly reviewed and contrasted to show their strong points and weaknesses. The inter-organizational workflow emphasizes more on combining the workflows of different partners together and reconciling the relationships between them. In this speech, some techniques are summarized, and some interesting research issues in the area are discussed in both technical and managerial perspectives.