Mission and Motivation
The mission of the ENASE (Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering) series of working conferences is to be a prime international forum to discuss and publish research findings and IT industry experiences with relation to evaluation of novel approaches to software engineering. By comparing novel approaches with established traditional practices and by evaluating them against software quality criteria, ENASE conferences advance knowledge and research in software engineering, identify most hopeful trends and propose new directions for consideration by researchers and practitioners involved in large-scale software development and integration.

ENASE provides a yearly forum for researchers and practitioners to review and evaluate relatively new and original in conception SE methods, practices, architectures, technologies and tools. An important underpinning and assumption of ENASE is that in software engineering "novel" turns out frequently to be just new hype. An objective of ENASE is to reveal any such hype as soon as feasible. This means that ENASE does not exclude more traditional approaches to software development and integration. On the contrary, ENASE endeavors to compare novel with traditional, also to discover if novel is not just traditional in disguise. Consequently, ENASE accepts also papers concentrating on a critique of more established and popular SE approaches.

Against that background, ENASE undertakes to provide fast but careful scientific and empirical evaluation of new as well as more established approaches to software engineering. Of particular interest are experience reports and evaluations (qualitative and quantitative) of existing approaches as well as new ideas and proposals for improvements.


The ENASE web site is developed and maintained by: INSTICC
Copyright © 2006-2007 INSTICC

Page updated on 2/04/09